Sunday, 19 May 2019

Lab 7

1. Why do we need to ping?
Ping is a simply used to ensure that the host you are trying to connect to is actually operating.

2. Explain the term Sent, Received, Lost and TTL.
Sent = Packets that you sent
Received = Packets that you received
Lost = Packets that you sent are lost
TTL = Time to live

3. Explain what is happening in Figure 1.
User is pinging and received response from it with no packet loss.

4. refers to
the loopback Internet protocol (IP) address also referred to as the “localhost".

5. Why do we need to ping
We need to ping to ensure that the TCP/IP is working on the machine that you are typing on.

6. Explain what is happening in Figure 2?
User is pinging and received response from it with no packet loss.

7.What does it mean by Request timed out?
If a request times out, it means that your computer did not receive a response at all.

8. Explain what is happening in Figure 3?
The traceroute request is timed out starting from 3rd hop because the target's firewall may be blocking requests. The target is still most probably reachable with a normal HTTP request, however. This should not affect normal connection.

9. What is the different between Figure 3 and Figure 4?
Traceroute request in Figure 3 is timed out starting from 3rd hop, where the traceroute request in Figure 4 received responses without failure.

10. What is tracert?
A traceroute is a network command that can be run on your computer if you experience routing problems. It traces the “hops” between your computer and the final destination. For each hop, the traceroute will diagnose where the problem is. 

11. Explain what is happening in Figure 5?
The user attempted a nslookup, nslookup is a network administration command-line tool available in many computer operating systems for querying the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain domain name or IP address mapping, or other DNS records. The results shows that it can't find server name for address because the issue of the server is that there is a missing or mis-configured PTR record for your DNS server in your reverse lookup zone. Then the user input and to get the addresses of the website.

12. Explain Physical Address and IP Address.
Physical Address is a hardware address, which means it is unique to the network card installed on your PC. IP Address is an address bound to the network device, i.e., computer, via software.

13. What are differences between Physical Address and IP Address.
IP address is a logical address which is configured via the operating system, while the MAC address is a hardware address, burnt into the network card's ROM during the manufacturing process.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Lab 6

Exercise 1:
MAC Address = F0-92-1C-DE-1C-4E
IP address =
Subnet Mask =
Default Gateway IP address =

Exercise 2:
Own Host
Sent: 4
Received: 4
Lost: 0
Round trip times (min): 0ms
Round trip times (max): 0ms
Round trip times (average): 0ms

Neighbour on the same subnet
Sent: 4
Received: 4
Lost: 0
Round trip times (min): 1ms
Round trip times (max): 1ms
Round trip times (average): 1ms

Host on a different subnet
Sent: 4
Received: 4
Lost: 0
Round trip times (min): 1ms
Round trip times (max): 1ms
Round trip times (average): 1ms

Host that is shut down 
Sent: 4
Received: 0
Lost: 4
Round trip times (min): n/a
Round trip times (max): n/a
Round trip times (average): n/a

Exercise 3:
My local hostname: MPI_26
DNS Server: wpad.lan

From this laboratory exercise, I understand that the command prompt (CMD) is the command-line interpreter in the OS/2, eComStation, Windows NT, Windows CE, and ReactOS operating systems. I also learned how to use command prompt to ping addresses for their latency